I'm a new MOMMY!!!

She Finally Made it!

Well, I finally had our little pride and joy on Sunday morning. I wrote a lot more about it in Carlee's Corner and uploaded quite a few pictures, but I'll have to write in my blog later, because now I'm tired... :) She is just so precious!!!!
still no baby... BUT GOOD NEWS!!!
Yeah, Carlee has decided to keep us waiting STILL!!! but... GUESS WHAT!?!
TONY MADE E5!!!! YAY!!!I'm so proud of him!!! A good friend of his called yesterday morning to let him know, since he had the day off. yay! He works so hard at his job and he really deserves this, and I'm not just being partial because he's my husband :) I'm so proud of him.
Payback for an easy pregnancy?
Man! was yesterday miserable!!! goodness... it was like last night was PAYBACK for having such a fairly easy pregnancy up to this point. Contractions Contractions Contractions.... but they were twenty minutes apart... so I decided to tough it out since my water still hasn't broken, and I knew they would look at me, and say, "Sorry, you're not ready yet, go back home." and then my appointment which was scheduled for today would of been wiped out of the computer system once they ran my name through the hospital's computers... and my back was KILLING me... ugh. I couldn't sleep.... it sucked. But I know it's almost over.... and it will be worth it.
Today at the doctor's appointment, she was really surprised I was even sitting in the room because as she said, "I swear I thought you were going to have that baby last week!" So she checked everything, the baby's heartbeat is great, everything's fine.... I'm up to 5cm now, and the tension on the waterbag is higher than last week, the doctor said she was even nervous to do the exam for fear of breaking my water... but it didn't... so we're still waiting. But she said as soon as I start getting regular contractions even if they're farther apart to go ahead and go into the hopsital. So, yay.... it's getting really close! AHHH! I wish she would hurry and get here! lol...
Becoming an Adventurer
I found this blog called
The Adventures of International Jenn. I wish I could be as brave as her. It would be so fun to be courageous enough and to be able to just pick up and travel and experience so many different things. I've been reading her first few entries and have enjoyed doing so. I'm pretty much hooked, I can't wait to see where she went next and what adventures she got to have.
I would love to be able to do that, but I'm such a "scaredy cat" I guess you could say. When we first moved to Florida and Tony was either underway or deployed I barely left the apartment, especially in the beginning. Even two days after I had just moved here, Tony was already out at sea for a month (if I remember right), and I didn't leave the apartment at all! seriously... that's so sad. Of course, I didn't know anyone or where anything was, but still I know plenty of people that would of been out exploring and learning the area. I just waited for Tony to come home.
His first deployment, which started in October, was a little bit better for me though, because I had made a few friends by then and had started geocaching (which I say over and over saved my sanity.) So that helped pass the time a lot faster, but I still hardly ventured out on my own.
I would love to travel with Tony though, and pretty soon with our little baby. I thought about it, and I decided that I want to try to be a "tourist" or "adventurer" everywhere that we go. We should start here, too. We've hardly driven around Jacksonville even, and there are so many things in Florida I would love to see and do (museums, the zoo, touristy sites, Disney World, etc.) We have enjoyed some adventurous things here, like hiking in Osceola Natl. Forest, and we recently visited Fort Caroline Natl Memorial. But I'd like to keep doing more, and really take advantage of our time here, and everywhere we end up visiting.
Taking it Easy...
I'm trying really hard today to just take it easy... I know that if I were to go into labor, I trust everything would be okay... but I'm trying to not encourage Carlee to decide to arrive today. It would just be a lot more stressfull than I'd like since Tony went back to the ship today, and of course he is stuck with duty without knowing so when he left this morning for work. Tony has a good friend that volunteered to fill in for him if I do happen to go into labor today, but like I said, that's just alot of extra stress... Ideally, I'd like for Tony to actually be home when I eventually do start labor. Hopefully it will happen that way. I'm hoping anyway.
Waiting and Watching Soaps
I can't wait for Carlee to get here. I know I've said that already, but I seriously am SO ready for her to be here. 1.) to meet her of course 2.) to get back to my comfortable energetic self 3.) I'm looking foward to taking her out, doing family things, getting to know her little personality... the only thing I've been able to do lately is sit around... I feel so lazy! it's frustrating... I did two loads of laundry today and that took up all the day's energy pretty much. :( ugh...
While being a slug today :) I watched my shows... I say my shows, but really they're just the only interesting things on tv... my soaps. Well, I go through phases really. I'll watch them for a while, but then get frustrated with the same ol' same ol' story lines and plots. So and So died two years ago, but MIRACULOUSLY returns from the dead to raise havoc in the lives of the characters that had already moved on.... Who's getting back together with her ex-ex-ex husband... who's son is in jail for what... whatever....
Some of these soap actors/actresses have been on the same show for years and years and years... It makes me wonder if it feels weird to live another fictitious life at the same time they try to live their real life... or maybe the job of acting on a daily soap for years takes up so much time that it, in a way, replaces their real life... does that make sense? And if that does happen, do they even feel like themselves anymore, or do they feel like they have become their character? Hmmm.... I wonder if they feel they've accomplished anything they're whole lives after being on the same show, portraying the same character for so long, besides entertaining or boring (depending on the day) fellow housewives doing (or taking breaks from) their normal day to day chores and such....
Just another one of my wierd little thoughts... Tony's over here laughing at me for thinking on that particular thought so much. lol....
I'm pregnant, I deserve a few complaints...
Now, I'm not usually much of a complainer... even during the whole pregnancy I didn't find much to complain about. But today there were a few things that irked me...
First, while we were at the movies a lady that was sitting two seats to the right of me pretty much talked through the whole movie. And she was by herself! She kept commenting on the movie, and wouldn't be quiet. grrr... and of course at least one cell phone had to go off, and that wouldn't of irritated me as much if the cell phone's owner had turned it off the second she heard it. Instead, we got to hear her whole ring tone song in full, right in the middle of the movie. Nice.
Second, we stopped by Home Depot to pick up some super glue for some cache ideas... And when we were coming back to the car, a family was getting ready to go into the store. The parents were busy with something, and one of their sons stood there chewing some gum(smacking, really, wide-opened mouth,) and stared at us as we walked by. I mean, he just didn't take his eyes away, and kept smacking his gum, and he was old enough to know better... I don't know, my family always taught me not to stare... especially when the people are walking by less than two feet from you. I don't know why that one bothered me so much... Maybe I'm just really sensitive right now about people staring, even kids, because I feel really, REALLY akward and huge, lol... I mean, I wasn't mad or anything... just kind of wondering if his parents had taught him not to stare that obviously or not... anywho...
Third, when we first got to Bennigan's we had to stand a few minutes at the entrance before the hostess FINALLY came to seat us. And it wasn't even busy, it was like 3:30!! Our waitress took forever to come out, and then didn't check on us once... Needless to say, she didn't get as nice of a tip as she could have. Another thing, oooohhhh..... I HATE those new nextel phones that people use as walkie talkies.... GRRR at a restaurant no less! We heard that annoying BeepBeep and then a static voice say something, and then a person a few tables away, BeepBeep hers and answer back. So, not only do we hear one person's voice (like if they were on the cell phone) but another's voice talking back, AND those annoying BEEPBEEPS every time one of them says something.... am I the only one that finds this annoying?
Well, that's my ranting for today... Like I said, I don't complain much, but I thought that I deserved to today, just because I felt like it... and well, because this is my blog, lol....
Still Pregnant
yes... we're still preggo... :) can't wait for her to get here though! soooo exciting to know she could arrive anytime now! Today was fun, I can't believe it's already almost 6pm! This morning we had a pretty good breakfast, I was pleased with myself, I thought it came out pretty yummy. Scrambled eggs with cheese, hash browns, and bacon. Simple, but sometimes I can mess even that up... lol... (especially with our electric stove... I miss the gas ones back home)
After breakfast Tony decided to work on his first camo'ed cache. We got to use his new drill to make a hole in this mini piece of tree that we found. We put a small pill capsule in the end, so any cachers that are reading this are getting some helpful hints on our new hide... Hopefully we'll find a good place for it before GW3....
Then we decided to go to the movies. We saw Unleashed with Jet Li. It was pretty good, I liked it. It has a very interesting idea to it, that I would of never thought of: a person being trained to be another's "dog" so to speak... the story, acting, and fight scenes were all good in my opinion... the only thing I didn't buy was that the "daughter" was 18, the actress definately didn't look it.
Then we had an early dinner at Bennigan's... I got my usual monte cristo sandwich, that REALLY isn't good for you, and probably takes up two months worth of our decision to only eat at restaurants once a week... lol. But it was tasty... So that's all for my "what we did today" entry...
Friday the 13th...
I took it really easy last night and today in hopes that Carlee wouldn't decide to be born on Friday the 13th... so far so good. :) Tony had a weirder friday the 13th than I did... wasn't his best day at work. He wouldn't come near me when he first got home, because he came into contact with a little girl with MRSA at the Tricare office... He didn't find out though until afterwards, well she only leaned on the desk, which he had to sterilize afterward. After he got home, he went straight to the bathroom to clean up and washed his uniform. I don't think we should worry too much about it, he wasn't in direct contact with the little girl, but we'll be sure to let the hopsital know when we go in... I couldn't believe that they would let a person with such a disease to go inside a building where there's plenty of pregnant women, children, and older persons that could easily catch things, well, especially without telling anyone, even the people that are working there... The only weird thing that happened to me was I noticed that our little blue guppy, "Bluey" was dead... :( I don't know what happened... I thought we were doing good with the tank, I think maybe the yellow guppy just kept picking at him and made him sick I guess... Who knows... It's Friday the 13th....
Some Photos

sand "hippo"
Just thought I'd share some funny photos today... This one is funny to us because while we were walking around looking at all the entries in the sand "castle" building contest a few weeks ago, a lady with her daughter walked by this one. The lady said, "Look, honey, look at the hippopotamus!" We just busted out laughing..... That's the people around here for ya... LOL

nemo: "what?"

nemo: "Got a problem?"
Nemo was helping me with groceries this day... silly cat.
Good Reads
I love reading... I need to start reading more again. While Tony was deployed I got to read a few good books. Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz, Caramelo by Sandra Cisneros, The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom... All were good, my favorite being Odd Thomas. I loved that one. Know of any good books to read? Let me know! I pretty much like all kinds... :)*edit- forgot The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Loved this book, it's a must read.
TTD (Things to Do)
Everybody is telling me to take it easy now... so all I can do is just lay around watching tv, or get on the computer, so I'd figure I'd write some more... I was reading through some of my finished journals earlier... I've been keeping journals since about the fourth grade when I got my very first diary. I can't believe I still remember that. Anyway, I have realized before that they are always about pretty much the same things: getting healthy (yes, even in the fourth grade I was already worried about that, sad isn't it?), finding out "who I am," and of course the endless amount of entries about the mundane parts of my life (what I ate for breakfast, or what I watched on tv, etc.) And I wonder if these three themes are always going to be there for me. I haven't accomplished the "goals" yet... will I ever? My ordinary life entries will of course always be there... lol... And I have actually learned alot about myself over the past few years, but I know deep down there is still plenty left to be discovered. There are so many things I'd love to try, so many ways I want to broaden my horizons still, so many things left to experience. But as a person overall, I think I am comfortable with who I am. I used to want to change my personality, be more outgoing, more social, more fun... but I've come to realize that that's not particularly me. I'm more of an introvert, more quiet, I'm not the type to constantly need something to do with tons of people around me. I've accepted that and actually embrace that, because that's me, that's who I am and it feels good to know that. On the subject of trying new things, I've made lists before of things I want to do or accomplish... and I have been able to cross some of them off my list. Some things I've crossed off include:- paint a picture (which didn't look too good, but hey, I did it)
- mow the grass (which I did for the first time almost 2 years ago with my sister)
- learn to defend myself (took a RAD class with my mom and sister)
- learn yoga (freshman year of college, LOVE it)
- marry Tony (gladly and excitedly crossed that one off my list)
- get a tattoo (I now have 2, and I love them, no regrets on those)
- go to a club (didn't enjoy that too much, not my type of fun I guess)
- upholster a piece of furniture (that was cool, but hard work!)
- learn to drive a standard (this was so frustrating, but so worth it to be able to say I can)
I still have so many things I want to do... a few include:
- be a good mom, and wife (1st on my list)
- learn Spanish
- travel (want to see natl parks, historical places, other countries, places of different cultures, etc. collecting caches along the way of course!)
- go snorkeling (it used to be scuba diving until I saw Open Water)
- learn to play pool
- learn to golf
- learn to play poker
- learn some type of martial arts
- go on a hiking/camping/backpacking trip
- learn to swim better (I could survive for a little bit I s'pose but that's about it)
- forgive certain people/ let go of certain grudges ( a hard one for me, being a scorpio)
- get better at photography (which I love) and put a portfolio together
- go kayaking or canoeing
That's all I can think of right now.... I'm sure there's many more. This entry is quite long now... more later... :)
Carlee Update
Just got home from the doctor's... she said that my water could break any minute, or day now... or it could still possibly wait until next week. So, anyday Carlee could be here!!! We're so excited!!! Yay!!!
Things I am Grateful for (May)
I remember doing this exercise when Oprah introduced it on her show a few seasons ago. She suggested keeping a journal and in it, every day list three things that you are grateful for. I remembered how much I enjoyed doing that, so now I'm going to start again on here. Every month I'll post a "Grateful" list to which everyday that I blog I will add my three new entries to the comments page. Feel free to join me in adding to the list, and sharing what things you're grateful for. It's amazing the things that we take for granted, or that we don't stop to think about all the time. You'd be amazed at how much more positive you start to feel about life in general once you start listing and thinking about what you have instead of concentrating on things you don't.
Today I am grateful for having such a wonderful circle of support.
1.My husband is so incredible, he amazes me. He never hesitates to show his love for me, he's so supportive in who I am and encourages me to learn more about myself, and is such a wonderful provider, and will be a great daddy.
2. My amazing family, who even though I have decided to do things differently than they would of liked, still support me 100% in living my own life and making my own discoveries.
3. Great friends. I once made the realization that I am the type of person who would rather have a few really good friends, then to have a ton of mediocre ones. If I call you a friend, know that I mean it, and that I'm so grateful for the wonderful qualities you bring to my life. I appreciate your honesty and caring and hope to always return the favor.
May's list will continue on the comments page...
Getting Healthier
Last night we decided we want to get healthier. We're going to stop eating fast food, except for Subway and things like that. I just started reading a book called You: The Owner's Manual by Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz. It's a book all about your body, everything about how it works, how to keep healthy, but without all the scientific gigantic words. We're also going to start working out together after I recoup after the baby gets here. Tony's more disciplined than me, so maybe with his company, I'll actually stick with this plan, because usually my healthy diet/ workout/ get healthy plans only last an average of 7-10 days...
I guess we just realized how much junk we put in our bodies... we eat a lot of fast food when we're out caching or shopping, it's just easier than driving all the way back home to eat something good. And me with my four cokes a day habit. ugh... well, I did really good the first 6-7 months of the pregnancy, I didn't drink any cokes at all. But recently I started drinking them again. I can't limit myself when it comes to Cokes that are just chillin in the fridge...
I still haven't got to see that movie (well documentary really) about the guy that ate nothing but fast food for thirty days. I've been wanting to watch it, looks interesting. I'm also looking foward to his series on FX coming in June. So anyway, we'll see how this goes, hopefully we will stick with it, and have positive results.
The Waiting Game
For a few minutes Saturday night, well, Sunday morning really... we thought Carlee was going to grace us with her presence... I woke up around 1:30 am having a few contractions... woke Tony up and we put my hospital bag together since we had put it off. But after walking around for a few minutes and drinking a warm glass of milk, things finally settled down... Just practice I guess. Now we're all ready though, both my bag and Carlee's bag are in the car, and her car seat is already in there for her. And now all we can do is wait. Wait Wait Wait :)
Today was a good day...
.....A me and Tony day. We went driving around this morning looking for garage sales. Last weekend we had seen a million yard sale signs all around, and thought we'd go see if we could find anything this weekend... but there weren't that many. The few that we did find didn't have anything we wanted or thought was too neat to leave behind... so oh well... After that, we kept driving around and decided to find a few caches. We ended up exploring the Arlington area a little bit further than either of us had driven to before. We found four caches, and then I got tired, so we came home. There was a geocaching event today to get ready for GW3 but we didn't go. We had thought about going just to the dinner part to say hello to everybody and not claim the smiley, but ended up not going. We decided to just stay home, ate pork chops for dinner, and then I worked on our webpage, and Tony played halo2 for a while. Then my good friend Caraloopy came over, and we had a nice visit. She just left not too long ago... So, no epiphany or insightful thoughts in tonight's entry, just an end to an enjoyable day.
Mothers' Day Cards... for me?
Me at 32 weeks... (this pic is old, i'm at 37 weeks now... I'll have to add a newer pic later)It's so weird. I got my first mother's day cards in the mail today. Three actually. One from my dad, stepmom and brother. Another from our grandparents in Pensacola, and another from our grandmother in Illinois. Wow. I never stopped to think about how this holiday would feel on the other side of the card giving.
It was always a day to tell my mom how much I appreciate everything she's ever done for me and my sister. To show how grateful I am for everything she's ever sacrificed, for always supporting my decisions, for always being there for me, for being so giving, selfless, and for always loving us unconditionally. Every year I always try so hard to let her know, to really put into words how I feel, how much gratitude is truly in my heart.... and now with my little Carlee inside me, already depending on me for life, love, and nourishment, I understand.
I already understand that even though my feelings were (and continue to be) genuine, and that it's still nice to express them, I know now that it was never a necessity. I know my mom would have done everything the same whether or not I thanked her. I know that because I already feel that way for Carlee. I would already give the world for her, give my life, my last breath for my baby. I'd do anything to make sure she's safe, loved, fed, clothed, everything my mom made sure was done for me and my sister. And I'm sure I owe that sense of selflessness to my mother also, because had I not experienced that growing up, I'm not sure I would fully understand how to give it when the time came. But I do feel it, already, and I'm a better person for it, and I'm just hoping that I'm even half as good of a mom as my mom is, then I know Carlee will grow up just fine.
Thanks for everything Mom, Happy Mother's Day! (a little early) I love you so much, and just thank you so much for teaching me how mothers should be. I wish everyone could of had a mom like you, and I hope with all my heart and soul that I will be that for Carlee.
Carlee Update
Well, our doctor's appointment went well... I'm up to four centimeters. The doctor was somewhat surprised it seemed. I wish I knew when she was going to decide to arrive. I finished setting up her crib with bedding yesterday, even though she's not going to use it for a little bit. Her room is pretty much set up now. Tony laughed at me the other day while I was showing him her dresser with all her clothes, "She's got as many clothes and shoes as you do already, and she's not even here yet." lol... well, she is my child. :)
Good Morning

Our Little Nemo Cat
It's early... Tony just left for work a little bit ago. He gets a short day today though, since we have the doctor's appointment, and then he's taking the rest of the day off. I'm liking this desk job of his. It's going to suck when he goes back to the ship. Anyway, so, we'll find out today how much progress has been made, if any...
This morning our cat, Nemo, had us cracking up. The alarm went off, and it's one of those annoying screeching eeennnch eeennnnch eeennnch sounding ones. Amazingly I turned it off almost right away today, sometimes I somehow ignore it, and Tony doesn't understand that. lol... anyway, almost immediately after the alarm, we heard a long sorrowful
meeeoooowww at our closed door. And then a
mmmew. and then a few sigh sounding little
mews. As if to say, "I know ya'll are awake now... I hear you!!! let... me.... innnnn....."
"I feel so sorry for her," I told Tony, and we just laughed as she desperately cried at the door. She used to sleep with us in our room, in our bed even. And I even ignored my slight morning allergies when she did. But now with the baby about to be here, we're trying to get her used to not sleeping in our room, or the extra side room for that matter. So now, she has nowhere to go... awww.... poor thing.
She probably thinks we're neglecting her or something. We try to play with her and pet her during the day, but she won't have anything to do with us then. Only at night when she feels like it, and we're already ready for bed. She gave us a good laugh this morning anyway. She's good at that, quirky little squirrel cat.
Yet Another Let Down
Well.... we did go try another Mexican restaurant tonight... the first one we looked at, Tony's friend recommended, but looked more like fast food and a bar, so we decided no.... We then drove to this one on Beach and SanPablo that we had already tried once before with friends, and it had been okay. But.... that one had about a hundred people waiting outside, and we were starving so we decided no on that one too. Well, we kept going down Beach and then saw a sign for La Frontera Mexican Restaurant.... We decided to pull in and try it. Well, from the outside it seemed promising. It smelled good, and they even had signs home made with paper and magic marker (and in spanish too) (very promising). Through the window Tony noticed the plastic table cloths, and once inside, he noticed the decorations that reminded us of home. We were optimistic, really. So we ordered, ate our chips with thin, runny barely hot salsa, and chatted until our waitress finally brought our food out. At the first sight of my enchilada, I just shook my head. No. No no no no! ugh.... the enchilada was nothing but flavorless meat in a white corn tortilla with a thin tomato sauce on it that tasted like the sauce in speghettios... my burrito was no better, the same meat in a flour tortilla with a ragu like paste on top! I kid you not! The rice was more white and tasteless than even I've ever managed to make it... and the beans? They were obviously straight out of a can. UGH! We were soooooo dissapointed! sigh.... oh well.... one more Mexican restaurant down.... won't be taking any family or friends to this one, wouldn't want to subject them to that torture.So, I decided that tomorrow I am going to attempt making my mom's enchiladas.... I actually feel better about my past tries at cooking Mexican food now, after eating at that restaurant tonight. So hopefully it will turn out good.
My Fish Tank

This is me with my fish tank around Christmas 2004. Just thought I'd try to figure out how to add a picture to this thing... guess I did it right.
Meanie Orange Fish
The mean orange fish (whose name I've forgotten...) is now in a small fish bowl separate from the other fish. I got my fish tank for Christmas and we started it out with five guppies, 3 boys and 2 girls. The girls ended up pregnant really fast, and we decided we only needed one buddha belly in the house (and that would be me.) We didn't know at the time that they pretty much take care of population control on their own. We thought that they would just keep having babies and overfilling the tank. Anywho... the orange male guppy had been terrorizing all the others since we first set up the tank, chasing them around and biting at their fins. I thought he would kill the others, and I've never been able to keep fish alive before, and I wasn't going to let the orange fish prove that fact once again. So, I didn't know what to do with him. Tony who was deployed again right after Christmas told me on the phone, "Just flush him down the toilet."But I couldn't do that... So, I took him out, and placed him in a washed out milk carton with the top cut off. My friend Stress told me I should put him in the blender and threaten to push the button. LOL... but the milk carton is where he stayed from the end of December until about a week ago when we finally bought him a little bowl. The bowl is now sitting right next to the fish tank, and as I've been watching him the last few minutes, I wonder if that's mean, because he keeps trying to get to the other fish. Like if he swims fast enough he could make it through the glass bowl and the fish tank's glass panel as well. And he must not have a long memory because he just keeps on trying. I've heard that fish only have a memory of a few seconds or something like that. We bought a few more fish a few weeks ago too. Tony picked out two neat little skittish spotted fish that constantly swim around frantically. (They're the most entertaining.) My pick was a little fat, bright orange fish. We also got a chinese sucker fish, well that's what I call it. But he sucks at the sucking part... we never see him cleaning the tank. But he must because he hasn't starved yet... He's not too social either. The other boy guppies are still in there, one's blue and one's yellow with black spots. I'm surprised that the tank is still algea free. It must of been me, because when Tony was gone it got algea overloaded... I didn't know what to do with it. But we cleaned it out when Tony got home and it's been good since. They're entertaining and relaxing to watch swim around anyway...
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!
Man, that makes me miss home.... Miss my mom's enchiladas, and my grandma's carne guisada... yummmm..... home made tortillas, and making our tamales. There are no good Mexican restaurants around here... and we've tried a bunch of them, but they're nothing like home. But I'm sure we'll go try one more tonight, hoping it will be good.... probably won't be though.It's been raining all morning... got up early to see Tony off to work, but he came home about an hour later. He and a coworker split the day so he just went back at 11:30. I can't believe it's already May 5th. We've lived here in Florida for a year already. I've been away from home for a year. Away from family for a whole year... wow. Tony said this morning it's been exactly a year today that he signed on to the Boone. When it was going, it was slow, but now that a year has passed, it seems like it went by fast. Does that make sense? I hope so. I have a few things to do today, guess a rainy day is good for that. Fold towels, wash the baby's bedding, clean.... I'm sure I'll be writing more though, have to take a few breaks at least....
Countdown To Carlee
Brooke Shields was on Oprah talking about her severe postpartum depression. I told Tony he could put in a movie or play one of his games, because if I watched it I'd probably start getting nervous about how I'm going to feel after Carlee gets here. So he did and now we're watching one of his new additions to his kung fu dvd collection. I think we'll be fine after the baby gets here though. At least I hope so. I've been really lucky so far with the pregnancy, and I'm really grateful for that. Especially since Tony was deployed six months out of the whole pregnancy, and I didn't go home. I stayed here in Florida. The most sick I felt was only one day when I felt a little nauseous so I just ate some crackers and went back to bed, and was fine. Tony even said last night, "You know, you aren't very hormonal for being pregnant." I asked him if he was complaining, he laughed and said no. I only recently started feeling really uncomfortable, and I'm already in my ninth month. The doctor said the baby could actually decide to arrive any day if she wanted to. And even though I feel fat once in a while, I that know what I've gained is a healthy amount. People keep telling me I make a "cute pregnant person." Is there such a thing? I definatley don't feel like it, lol... I think maybe people say that to try to make you feel better. But I've stayed pretty active... Geocaching has helped a lot with that. Just last month we were out hiking and Tony was amazed I was able to do that. I'm ready for her to be here though. Ready for this big basketball of a belly to be gone, lol... Ready to be able to get out of bed and off the sofa without having to roll off. Ready to not get out of breath just by talking on the phone thanks to her weight pressing up against my lungs. Ready for her to stop kicking my ribs and doing somersaults inside of me. It feels so weird. But most of all I'm ready to finally meet her, to see what she's going to look like, what her personality is going to develop into, to share this experience with Tony.
The Hallway's Hole is Fixed
Yeah... There was a huge hole in our hallway. HUGE. Like six feet long and at least a foot high the whole way, except in one spot where it was three feet high. Why was it there? Well, last week, Tony and I were trying out our new washer and dryer (thanks dad), and all of a sudden a loud banging was at the front door (and it was already 10:30pm). Tony answered it, and it was the maintenance guy.
"Are ya'll doing laundry?" he asked. We answered yes... "Well, we have a flood in the two floors below you. Can I take a look?"
Of course we said yes, and he rushed over to the bathroom where the washer and dryer is. There was no water behind the washer or anything, so he said the leak must be in the wall. "Can you wait until Monday to do anymore laundry?" he asked. Sure.... yeah, no problem.... like we had a choice anyway... right?
Well, the plumber guy was supposed to come on Monday to fix it, but didn't end up making it til Tuesday (yesterday). He's the one that put the huge hole in the wall. Finally, we could do our laundry last night. Then today, two guys came and fixed the drywall (I think that's what it is?)... anyway, they fixed the hallway. Now, tomorrow someone's supposed to come paint it I guess. I'm just glad it's fixed.
So while they were doing that, I've been keeping myself busy working on our webpage and starting this new blog. Tony should be home from work in about an hour. I think we're going to put the car seat in the vue this afternoon. We've been meaning to do it for a few days now... I also need to put a bag together for our near future stay at the hospital. We had to buy a crib the other day. I had already bought one from a friend of a friend, but it ended up missing a few parts, and our baby's safety is not something we want to compromise. So we went ahead and bought a new one. We actually found a really good deal at the NEX, a neat little crib that will turn into a toddler bed, and then a small daybed for when she's ready for it.
We're getting so excited. We can't wait for Carlee to finally be HERE!!! She's already keeping us up at night. Last night she kept me awake by doing all kinds of kung fu moves in there, and in return I kept Tony up by tossing and turning, getting up a million times... I felt bad since he had to go to work this morning. But he keeps insisting it's okay, he's so sweet.
My Very First Entry
Hmmm.... I never realized how many people keep these blog things... So, I decided to start my own. Why? well... I love to write about anything and nothing, and I figured it'd be a good way to kind of keep in touch with family and friends. And if you just happened across my blog, then hopefully it will offer a little entertainment at least. Okay, this first post is going to be a practice I guess so I can figure out how this thing works.... yeah, that sounds good.