Monday, March 27, 2006

last post....

well, carlee is napping.... i just ate lunch.... and i'm drinking lemon flavored iced tea... yumm... if only i had a sunny porch in front of my own yard to sit at and drink it.... anywho.....

i think this is going to be my last post on this blog... not that i'm not going to blog anymore, because i am... i'm going to start a new blog. i live my life in phases i suppose. even my calendar is erased monthly... at the end of the month, i look at everything we've accomplished, erase it, and start new with the next month, write out everything planned out so far, and when bills are due, etc....

this sunny florida phase of my life is coming to an end.... actually i have to go down to the office and see when our lease is up.... almost had a panic attack last night wondering if it was up at the end of april or may.... because if it's up at the end of april, we need to schedule our pack out ASAP and figure out where we're going to live for most of the month of may... but i'll go down and do that when carlee wakes up....

hubby is underway again.... this week will be lonely... or maybe not.... my friend A called today, she and her hubby just had a baby girl about a month ago. :) so hopefully we'll hang out this week. ANYWAY.....

back on topic... i will be changing my display name so that my next blog is a little more annonymous except for family and friends who will know it's me... i always feel a little hesitant to write about our navy life... dates, things that happen, etc... so... maybe i'll share a little more... okay... so i'm off to start a new blog... here's to the next chapter of my life...


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