Getting Healthier
Last night we decided we want to get healthier. We're going to stop eating fast food, except for Subway and things like that. I just started reading a book called You: The Owner's Manual by Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz. It's a book all about your body, everything about how it works, how to keep healthy, but without all the scientific gigantic words. We're also going to start working out together after I recoup after the baby gets here. Tony's more disciplined than me, so maybe with his company, I'll actually stick with this plan, because usually my healthy diet/ workout/ get healthy plans only last an average of 7-10 days...I guess we just realized how much junk we put in our bodies... we eat a lot of fast food when we're out caching or shopping, it's just easier than driving all the way back home to eat something good. And me with my four cokes a day habit. ugh... well, I did really good the first 6-7 months of the pregnancy, I didn't drink any cokes at all. But recently I started drinking them again. I can't limit myself when it comes to Cokes that are just chillin in the fridge...
I still haven't got to see that movie (well documentary really) about the guy that ate nothing but fast food for thirty days. I've been wanting to watch it, looks interesting. I'm also looking foward to his series on FX coming in June. So anyway, we'll see how this goes, hopefully we will stick with it, and have positive results.
IT'S YOU! It's All your fault. I was doing so good at cutting back on Coke...was down to only weekends & then only 2...but all of a sudden for some reason the "craving" came back. Must be a "sympathy" craving...therefore, your fault! Seriously, try buying the little cans/bottles that way you still get your fix but w/o the overkill. WalMart has those single serving sugar-free, powder drinks that come in little long skinny packets (they come in a box-Good Sense Brand) that you can add to your bottled water. This will help w/ the "thirsties" I'll get you some to try first before you spend your $ on it (just in case you don't like it). Mom
LOL!!! that's funny... man, now I'm thinking about Coke, and i got to go buy me one... just one. :)
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