Good Morning

Our Little Nemo Cat
It's early... Tony just left for work a little bit ago. He gets a short day today though, since we have the doctor's appointment, and then he's taking the rest of the day off. I'm liking this desk job of his. It's going to suck when he goes back to the ship. Anyway, so, we'll find out today how much progress has been made, if any...
This morning our cat, Nemo, had us cracking up. The alarm went off, and it's one of those annoying screeching eeennnch eeennnnch eeennnch sounding ones. Amazingly I turned it off almost right away today, sometimes I somehow ignore it, and Tony doesn't understand that. lol... anyway, almost immediately after the alarm, we heard a long sorrowful meeeoooowww at our closed door. And then a mmmew. and then a few sigh sounding little mews. As if to say, "I know ya'll are awake now... I hear you!!! let... me.... innnnn....."
"I feel so sorry for her," I told Tony, and we just laughed as she desperately cried at the door. She used to sleep with us in our room, in our bed even. And I even ignored my slight morning allergies when she did. But now with the baby about to be here, we're trying to get her used to not sleeping in our room, or the extra side room for that matter. So now, she has nowhere to go... awww.... poor thing.
She probably thinks we're neglecting her or something. We try to play with her and pet her during the day, but she won't have anything to do with us then. Only at night when she feels like it, and we're already ready for bed. She gave us a good laugh this morning anyway. She's good at that, quirky little squirrel cat.
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