Things I am Grateful for (May)
I remember doing this exercise when Oprah introduced it on her show a few seasons ago. She suggested keeping a journal and in it, every day list three things that you are grateful for. I remembered how much I enjoyed doing that, so now I'm going to start again on here. Every month I'll post a "Grateful" list to which everyday that I blog I will add my three new entries to the comments page. Feel free to join me in adding to the list, and sharing what things you're grateful for. It's amazing the things that we take for granted, or that we don't stop to think about all the time. You'd be amazed at how much more positive you start to feel about life in general once you start listing and thinking about what you have instead of concentrating on things you don't.Today I am grateful for having such a wonderful circle of support.
1.My husband is so incredible, he amazes me. He never hesitates to show his love for me, he's so supportive in who I am and encourages me to learn more about myself, and is such a wonderful provider, and will be a great daddy.
2. My amazing family, who even though I have decided to do things differently than they would of liked, still support me 100% in living my own life and making my own discoveries.
3. Great friends. I once made the realization that I am the type of person who would rather have a few really good friends, then to have a ton of mediocre ones. If I call you a friend, know that I mean it, and that I'm so grateful for the wonderful qualities you bring to my life. I appreciate your honesty and caring and hope to always return the favor.
May's list will continue on the comments page...
(5-12-05) Today I am grateful for:
1. Having a healthy pregnancy, and the chance to start our family.
2. Air condition... It's starting to get pretty warm here in Florida.
3. Swimming pools. :)
(5-12-05) Today I am grateful for:
1.For Sheena's healthy pregnance:e it would be VERY difficult to be way over here in TX & Sheena in FL...and for my son-in-law
2.My job...I work in a place that is very family oriented & flexible...More important than the $ I could be making elsewhere (especially when family is one of the most important things in life
3.To know love...My heart swells when I see/hear Sheena's love for her husband & vice versa...I dropped our dog off at the kennel for the weekend & I teared up...I am going to Houston to spend wkend w/ friends just because they want to be w/ me (they love me)...small tokens/feelings of love for some but to me no greater feeling.
(5-13-05) Today I am grateful for:
1. Nemo cat who always makes us laugh.
2. Our car which will (God willing) get us to the hospital safely and in time. :)
3. the food in our fridge (so many don't even have that...)
(5-14-05) Today I'm grateful for:
1. flip flops
2. cheesecake
3. everytime my husband laughs at my jokes
(5-15-05) Today I'm grateful for:
1. books (what's not to love?)
2. geocaching (saved my sanity while tony was deployed)
3. our cell phones (it's so easy to keep in touch with family and friends back home)
(5-16-05) Today I'm grateful for...
1. pajamas
2. comfy pillows
3. snuggling on the couch with hubby :)
(5-18-05) Today I'm grateful for:
1. the sun shining in my window
2. this computer :)
3. all the people that called yesterday to check up on me...
(5-19-05) today I'm grateful for:
1. the baby's hearbeat being fine (I had gotten worried because she hadn't been moving around as much lately)
2. the beach being so close, and being able to go eat lunch there like we did today
3. tony being able to take the rest of the day off
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