Becoming an Adventurer
I found this blog called The Adventures of International Jenn. I wish I could be as brave as her. It would be so fun to be courageous enough and to be able to just pick up and travel and experience so many different things. I've been reading her first few entries and have enjoyed doing so. I'm pretty much hooked, I can't wait to see where she went next and what adventures she got to have.I would love to be able to do that, but I'm such a "scaredy cat" I guess you could say. When we first moved to Florida and Tony was either underway or deployed I barely left the apartment, especially in the beginning. Even two days after I had just moved here, Tony was already out at sea for a month (if I remember right), and I didn't leave the apartment at all! seriously... that's so sad. Of course, I didn't know anyone or where anything was, but still I know plenty of people that would of been out exploring and learning the area. I just waited for Tony to come home.
His first deployment, which started in October, was a little bit better for me though, because I had made a few friends by then and had started geocaching (which I say over and over saved my sanity.) So that helped pass the time a lot faster, but I still hardly ventured out on my own.
I would love to travel with Tony though, and pretty soon with our little baby. I thought about it, and I decided that I want to try to be a "tourist" or "adventurer" everywhere that we go. We should start here, too. We've hardly driven around Jacksonville even, and there are so many things in Florida I would love to see and do (museums, the zoo, touristy sites, Disney World, etc.) We have enjoyed some adventurous things here, like hiking in Osceola Natl. Forest, and we recently visited Fort Caroline Natl Memorial. But I'd like to keep doing more, and really take advantage of our time here, and everywhere we end up visiting.
Sheena -
I'm really enjoying your blog! Good luck with the pregnancy & birth. I can't wait until Carlee arrives!
You sound like I used too. I still want to do some things--I'm just a little older. Go for those adventures whenever you can. Remember, having a family doesn't mean you can't still do things just that you don't have to do it lucky is that??? Enjoy your life and live it to its fullest.
Sheena, I enjoy reading your blog since you are where I have been --a military wife, expecting my first child away from home. Now it is 20 years later, and I can tell you that those adventures were great! You will have this record to share with your little one, and her little one, before you know it! Congratulations, and know you are being thought of.
teresa- thanks for checking out my blog, i'm glad you're enjoying it! Being a navy wife so far has definately brought alot of new experiences, and has made me alot stronger, and I look foward to to many more adventures for as long as he decides to stay in. Thanks for your congrats and thoughts :)
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