Today was a good day...
.....A me and Tony day. We went driving around this morning looking for garage sales. Last weekend we had seen a million yard sale signs all around, and thought we'd go see if we could find anything this weekend... but there weren't that many. The few that we did find didn't have anything we wanted or thought was too neat to leave behind... so oh well... After that, we kept driving around and decided to find a few caches. We ended up exploring the Arlington area a little bit further than either of us had driven to before. We found four caches, and then I got tired, so we came home. There was a geocaching event today to get ready for GW3 but we didn't go. We had thought about going just to the dinner part to say hello to everybody and not claim the smiley, but ended up not going. We decided to just stay home, ate pork chops for dinner, and then I worked on our webpage, and Tony played halo2 for a while. Then my good friend Caraloopy came over, and we had a nice visit. She just left not too long ago... So, no epiphany or insightful thoughts in tonight's entry, just an end to an enjoyable day.
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