
I took the kitten to the vet yesterday morning... turns out she's 16 weeks! Even the vet said, "Originally I would of guessed no older than 8 weeks, but her adult teeth are already coming in which makes her about 16 weeks."
So, I guess she's going to be a tiny kitty. Oh yeah, and Tony changed her name, now it's Dori. She's cute, but hyperactive. She's been bouncing off the walls all day, and look at what she did yesterday:
Tomorrow I have to take her in between 7 and 8 in the morning. She's getting declawed. She's not allowed to run free when I'm gone because of the new couch. :) Here's another pic of her. This was only two days after we brought her in. Her fur looks wet because she still had all the flea spray on her. She's so cute.
So the sun is setting now, and the day is over. I had a lot of fun today. Carlee and I went geocaching with our friends NovemberBabies plus 1. I got one new cache for us, and I think seven for Carlee. We actually found a brand new cache today, well, NB+1 found it first :) but we were there. I realized how difficult it is for me to try to look in forest(y) type thicket with Carlee in the baby sling on my front. But it was alot of fun. After we finished caching for the day, we went to the Saturn dealer to get the oil changed. It was a little overdue, and I needed to get it done if I want to go to the event this Sat in Palatka. After about an hour there, we got home, logged our finds, washed up, and then my friend Loopy came over. I haven't seen her in a loooonog time it feels like, so it was nice to catch up with her. Then around seven we took Tony dinner since he has duty today, and missed dinner on the ship. Subways... yum. :) And now I'm trying to relax, but Carlee is being a little fussy. But that's the norm nowadays. :) Like Loopy says, "Beaight"
ComputerShmuter and lil kitty
Well, the other day, Tony was juuuuust about to transfer all of my files and most importantly all of my pictures (including every single one of carlee) on to discs so that we could put them on my laptop... Well, I saw the screen shut down, the computer wacked out.... Tony said after messing with it for a while, "Don't freak out, but I think we just lost the computer."
"WHAT? my pictures!!!" That's the one thing I am always sooo scared of concerning computers, is losing all my pictures...
"I said don't freak out," Tony said... He kept messing with it... got it up in Safe Mode, thankfully got all my pics and programs out. Thank GOODNESS!!! So, now the regular computer is dead... for a while at least. I think Tony is going to get a new motherboard (or something?) and replace it... I don't know anything about the inside of computers, I'm glad he does. lol...
Oh, and last night, we were just leaving the apartment to go to Walmarts for a few things and we happened to notice a little kitty out in the grass. There is a litter that was born, oh I would guess about a month ago, and we've tried calling to a few of them, but they all run away. This one, however, came right up to Tony. The poor thing was desperate for attention, and food it looked like. So he caught it, took it upstairs, and put it in the bathroom with some food and water. Soooo we had to buy flea stuff, and he spent probably three hours in there trying to get all the fleas off. I felt so bad for it, its skin is all tore up from those stupid fleas. It's still in the bathroom, I don't want to let it out until we kill all of the fleas. That's the last thing I need is for nemo to get them, and then to have them all over the apartment. stupid fleas. But what a cute Kitty! Oh, he named it Puppy. lol... So, now I have to make a vet apt. for it sometime next week. I think she (I say she because I think it's a calico, and I've always heard that calicos are all girls), knows that we saved her, because she's so affectionate. Cute thing. I'll post pics soon, I promise... the camera is full, and I don't know what Tony did with the usb cable... :)
The Scrappin world left me behind
so... i've been scrapping before scrapbooking was cool.... well, i say that not knowing when it actually became "cool". Ok, let me put it this way... I've been scrapbooking before I knew it was "scrapbooking", since I was about ten.
Anyway, I scrapped up until my senior year of highschool. After that I just didn't have time to do it, working, going to college, life... then I got married, moved to join him in florida, got pregnant, had a wonderful baby... and now I want to start her scrapbook.
After surfing the net and looking at other scrappers' blogs and layout pages, I realized how far behind I am in the scrapping world now. There are some techniques I can't even figure out how they do (I'm sure it's probably really simple, too simple for me to think of) lol... When I went shopping for supplies, I learned from the saleslady that most of the scrapbooking supplies are now leaning toward 12x12 instead of 8x11 (which Tony decided he liked better for Carlee's book)...
So, i decided to just jump back into scrapping... ugh... i've been working on the same page layout for a week now. I've hardly had time to even work on it. I remember scrappin for hours and hours, and now i can barely fit five minutes of work in a day. :( If I ever finish this page i'm working on i'll post a pic of it. i still can't really decide how i want it. Everyone is going so simple these days. Simple lines, hardly any journaling, and if there is some, it's hidden. Alot of people are using 12x12, with one photo... when i started tony's navy scrapbook which is a 12x12, I would use three small pics a page sometimes. that was four years ago that i started that one, and i haven't picked it up in about two... Hopefully, my pages will come out good enough for me.
Thank goodness for the Indoors
Geez... could it get any hotter here?!? and I used to think Texas was bad! This past week was horrible weather wise! It's gotten up to 110 degrees IN THE SHADE!!! I could not believe it! It makes you not even want to go anywhere, and when you do it feels like all the water in your body evaporates by the time you walk from your car to the building! And the humidity just clings to you... ugh...
humidity I had wanted to take my grandparents caching while they were still here, but so much for that. We all decided it was way too hot. Oh well. Hopefully next time. Tonight we are going to Sticky Fingers (the only BBQ place Tony and I like here)...
So Tony enjoyed gambling last night. He came back with 5 dollars more than he left with. lol... but hey, I told him it was better than coming home empty handed. He said while he was playing Black Jack that this girl kept hitting when she shouldn't have, and this old Japanese guy next to her was getting mad and yelling (in Japanese) because she kept taking the cards that he needed. LOL I would of loved to people watch there. Tony and I are going to try to go for my birthday in October... we'll see if I find anyone I trust to watch Carlee.
OHHH!!! The new couch came in this morning!!! Ahhhh!!!! I forgot to tell everyone that it massages too! Tony said to me, "How could you forget the most important thing!?!" lol... I took pics but I'll have to post them later. One of the delivery guys just had a baby boy yesterday he told us... awww... I felt bad that he had to work today. That sucks. I don't know what I would of done if Tony couldn't of taken time off from work when Carlee was born. I feel so lucky for everyday little things like that.
Hope everybody's Saturday is good!
Three Months a Mother
It's 11pm... I cannot go to sleep. Carlee's actually been asleep since 9:30 which is highly unusual. It's definately not our normal schedule, which I guess is why I'm wide awake. Which also probably means she's going to wake up hungry as soon as I'm falling asleep. Well, with her sleeping, it has been a quiet night. I got to watch some tv, blog surf, chat with a friend on AIM... normal stuff. Tried to get to bed early... not happening. So random thoughts have been running through my mind as I try to relax.
I've been a mother now for three months. Wow. I can't believe that long has already passed. It's weird, sometimes I can't remember what it felt like to not be a mom. And yet at the same time, I still feel like the same person I always was. I hope that makes sense. :) It's as though my perception of time has completely warped itself. I feel the same as a mom of a three month old as I did when she was only three seconds old. And I'm almost positive that I will continue to feel the same emotions, responsabilities, love, until she is three years, or thirty years, or when her own child is three years old even. So, with that realization, time doesn't exist for me in the same way that it used to. No matter how much time goes by, or how fast or slow it decides to go, I am still and will always be a mother. That thought just amazes me. I can't even explain how much.
She's sleeping in her bassinet right now. I can see the outline and shadows of her little plump face. I know that this is my place. This is my purpose in life. I am so fulfilled at this point in my life, and I hope that never goes away.
Tamales, Black Jack, and a beautiful gift
This week has been good. My grandma's been helping so much with the baby. I've actually been able to just relax sometimes, or get on the computer, cook! lol... The other day, she and I made tamales. I forgot it was hard work, but it is worth it! yummm! Now I've got some in the freezer for me and Tony to eat whenever we want. We've been keeping busy busy.
Tonight Carlee and I will have a quiet (hopefully) mommy and me night, as everyone is going on the SunCruz Casino. Tony is excited about that, he's been wanting to go really bad. Then tomorrow is when the sofa comes in. I'll definately have to take a picture.
Yesterday, I got a box in the mail. It was from my best friend R who lives in Texas. I miss her alot, but our friendship has never lessened over the years. I tore off the wrapping, and saw a box of Mexican beer. "Look, R sent me beer!" I said to my grandma. She just laughed. I finished opening it and pulled out the most beautiful blanket. She handmade it, it's purple and she put pictures on it somehow from Carlee's blog. Her newborn picture, me with her in the hospital, her taking a nap with daddy, one of me still pregnant with her. It is sooo awesome, my eyes teared up, and I fell in love with it. It means so much to me, and I know it will to Carlee too when she's old enough to understand. I can't wait until Tony comes home from being underway so that he can see it. I love it.
New Lappy Top Top
YAY!!! Our laptop came in today!!! I'm so excited! I'm using it right now. Right at this instant! No seriously, RIGHT NOW!!! YAY!!! It's soooo cool! :D Now I can get online while Tony is playing his games online on the regular computer.
I already love it, lol.and we just found out that our new couch is going to be delivered on Saturday!!! We went couch shopping last week because we are just sooo tired of this futon! It's soo nice.
The first store we went into, Tony had found a couch that he liked for around 800 bucks. It was nice, light blue and white striped, but it was something for like a sitting room, not to lounge on comfortably... I told him, lets go look at a few more stores, and if we don't find anything, we can come back... So we went and shopped around. We ended up going to Rhodes Furniture. Tony immediately found a nice blue suede couch that was on sale for 500 dollars. The sales guy was away finding out about the couch, while Tony sat on it, and I continued to look around.
"Tony! Come here! These recline!!!" He rushed over sat down and decided he wanted a one of those. They were so comfortable! The one we were sitting on was a black leather sofa and the two ends reclined fully. But we didn't want leather. We asked the sales guy, once he found us, if they had any fabric ones. He showed us a tan suede sofa. We sat down, and it felt like we were on a big puffy cloud, and then reclined... and we were sold.
"The center pulls down also," the sales guy said. Tony immediately reached for it, and pulled it down. It had two cup holders and a deep tray. It is the nicest couch I have ever seen! We were so excited, but found out they didn't have any in stock in the store, so we had to wait for them to get some in from the Atlanta store... BUT it will be here on Saturday!!!
I'm so excited. Not just because it's a really nice couch, but because it's the first piece of furniture that we've bought new. Our first piece of furniture that has never been used, never sat on by anyone else... brand spankin new!!! And that's so exciting!
Our First Date
In a loooooong time!
It was so refreshing to get out, just the two of us, enjoying eachother's company. We originally were going to watch a movie, but weren't interested in anything showing. So, we decided to go bowling instead. I'm not good at bowling at all, but I had a blast. We played three games, the first one I won (I think Tony let me). Then we played three games of pool, which I suck at also, lol... You actually have to get out and practice to be good at either bowling or pool, which I don't get to. But tonight was great. We had sooo much fun, and I'm so grateful my grandparents watched Carlee. I really needed tonight! Now I'm tired, Good night!
Ticket Tuesday
On the way to grab something quick to eat, the radio deejay was taking calls for "Ticket Tuesday." People call in and tell their stories of getting tickets from cops here in Jacksonville. Well, a guy tells his story:
The guy ran into the gas station, and as always left his truck running. But said he keeps his alarm thing in his pocket so that he can still lock it... As he was standing in line, an officer came in and said, "Whose S10 is that in the parking lot?"
"Mine, Officer."
"Well, you just got yourself a 150 dollar ticket."
"For what?"
"Leaving a vehicle running unattended," the cop answered. The guy proceeded to explain that he had the alarm thing in his pocket and that no one could get in it. The cop wouldn't hear any of it.
Then the gas station clerk piped up, "Hey, Officer, isn't that your cop car running out there? and in a handicap parking space no less?" The guy said everyone in the store busted out laughing, while the cop immediately slipped out the door without buying anything or giving the guy a ticket. LOL
So Much For That...
We don't get to go to
the concert... :(
They won't give Tony two FREAKIN days off! UGH!!! THEY SUCK! THEY SUCK! THEY SUCK SUCK SUCK!!!
and now comes the part of trying to sell our tickets... ugh!
thank you for letting me vent little blog... (and the few readers of my little blog)
Our Weekend
This weekend was good. I had fun. On Saturday, Tony had to work, so I had planned on going geocaching with our friend Stress and his boys. Well, our friend PeeJay had told us he was interested in geocaching too, so I told him he should join us. So, he did. We drove to Palatka. We had planned on making a full day out of it, but I had the baby with us, and then Tony called and said he had gotten off of work early. So, we ended up leaving early, but we found 7 micros, and PeeJay said he liked geocaching, so that was cool.
Yesterday, Tony rearranged the living and dining rooms. We put the dining table out in the storage because we never use it. With that area empty, we moved the computer desk over there, and brought in my "craft" desk from storage. So, I'm really excited because I'm trying to get back into my scrapbooking. I've got to get started on Carlee's book! Anyway, the two rooms feel alot more spacious and less crowded. I like it alot.
Last night, we also took PeeJay out to dinner. He's officially free of their ship! yay! He's getting stationed in Miami though, so he won't be too far. So we'll definately have to go visit him once he gets settled in, and maybe do some caching too. :)
I'm not the only one wondering...
My mom sent me this link to an article called
Reading Your Baby's Mind. It's really interesting, and I'm glad I found out that I'm not the only one who thinks about weird things.
"Until a baby is 3 months old, he can recognize a scrambled photograph of his mother just as quickly as a photo in which everything is in the right place."
Now that is just awesome! And I wonder what this means for Baby Einstien once they're able to prove it:
"We all assumed that when infants stare at a television, and look engaged, that they are learning from it." Kuhl says there's plenty of work to be done to explain why that isn't true. "But at first blush one thinks that people—at least babies—need people to learn."
That'll teach me
I didn't go by the store yesterday after caching like I had planned. I was too tired, and all I wanted to do was log our finds, take a shower, and take a nap with the baby (who was just as tired as me.) All I really needed right away were diapers, which I knew Carlee had enough to last until today, so I waited. Well, when we got up this morning it was raining... ugh. So I tried waiting it out, but I wanted to go and be back before everyone got out of work today since our building seems to be the only one with very limited parking spaces... (People usually get off early on Fridays and no one is considerate of those of us with children...) Anyway, so I fought with the umbrella, holding the baby, trying to keep the blanket over her, trying not to drop my keys, walking down the three flights of stairs, fumbling to unlock the car... Tried not to make Carlee mad as I put her in the carseat, and then I finally was able to start driving... got to the nearest store, fought with everything again from the car to the store, realized I forgot my coupon... decided it wasn't worth it to go back. Finally grabbed the diapers, and went straight to the checkout. Ugh, it's hard to hold a squirmy worm baby, slide my card, sign the paper, and then the bagger handed me the daipers in a bag, but in a way that I was only able to grab one handle, so the weight of the diapers pulled the bag down, almost dropping them on the floor. I had to swing the diapers up and quickly grab them with my arm/side all while still holding the baby of course. Oh, and the cashier kindly reminded me that even though this child camped out in my belly for nine months, therefore receiving half my genes, doesn't look like me at all... "She must look just like her daddy, she's so cute." yeah, thanks. Anyway, I finally made it home, fought with everything again, plus a big bag of diapers all the way up the stairs... ALMOST brought the open umbrella in the house, realized what I was doing, and then threw it on the porch... I had enough frustrations this morning already, I don't need any more bad luck!
Tony had to go underway this morning. Only for a few days though. Carlee and I had a
great fun day of caching!
Another Wierd Thought
What do babies think when they don't have words to think in yet?