That'll teach me
I didn't go by the store yesterday after caching like I had planned. I was too tired, and all I wanted to do was log our finds, take a shower, and take a nap with the baby (who was just as tired as me.) All I really needed right away were diapers, which I knew Carlee had enough to last until today, so I waited. Well, when we got up this morning it was raining... ugh. So I tried waiting it out, but I wanted to go and be back before everyone got out of work today since our building seems to be the only one with very limited parking spaces... (People usually get off early on Fridays and no one is considerate of those of us with children...) Anyway, so I fought with the umbrella, holding the baby, trying to keep the blanket over her, trying not to drop my keys, walking down the three flights of stairs, fumbling to unlock the car... Tried not to make Carlee mad as I put her in the carseat, and then I finally was able to start driving... got to the nearest store, fought with everything again from the car to the store, realized I forgot my coupon... decided it wasn't worth it to go back. Finally grabbed the diapers, and went straight to the checkout. Ugh, it's hard to hold a squirmy worm baby, slide my card, sign the paper, and then the bagger handed me the daipers in a bag, but in a way that I was only able to grab one handle, so the weight of the diapers pulled the bag down, almost dropping them on the floor. I had to swing the diapers up and quickly grab them with my arm/side all while still holding the baby of course. Oh, and the cashier kindly reminded me that even though this child camped out in my belly for nine months, therefore receiving half my genes, doesn't look like me at all... "She must look just like her daddy, she's so cute." yeah, thanks. Anyway, I finally made it home, fought with everything again, plus a big bag of diapers all the way up the stairs... ALMOST brought the open umbrella in the house, realized what I was doing, and then threw it on the porch... I had enough frustrations this morning already, I don't need any more bad luck!
Wow, what a day. I got tired just reading about it! Hope your weekend was much better.
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