things i HATE to LOVE
Soaps... I watch The Young & The Restless, Bold and the Beautiful, and As the World Turns. They always have the same stories over and over, and yet... I just keep watching them!
Reality TV... ugh. Why is watching other people live while sitting on the couch so much fun?!? Well, it's not really fun, but addicting... you catch one episode and suddenly you have to catch the next show to see what happens to your favorite person. I'm not so addicted that I HAVE to see every single episode, but I hate that I love to watch them. If I catch them on tv, these are the ones I watch: Amazing Race, Survivor (only if I can catch up with who is sabatoging who), Beauty and the Geek, Big Brother ( I can't wait for the new one to start), 30 Days (at least this one has a purpose), Average Joe, Fire Me Please.... I can't think of any others, but I'm sure there are more, lol...
Junk Food.... double ugh! I wish I was one of those healthy food nuts. I know if I was, I would feel more energetic, be healthier (obviously), live longer (or so they say), etc. But DANGIT i love cokes, candy, chips, cake, all sorts of things. A few months ago, I made Tony stop by this little carnival by the mall just so that I could get a candy apple, and that was letting him off easy, because I really wanted a caramel apple AND cotton candy also. lol...
Commercials... LOL... most of them anyway, some are just stupid. But I love the funny ones, and the ones with catchy songs. I actually sing along with them. It cracks tony up. "Uh oh, the roll is bare. Momma's got some she can share. Is that enough? yeah, you can be sure. with charmin ultra, less is more....." Everytime it comes on. Goodness, how embarrassing! See why I hate to love those?
Collecting/Saving... I will collect/save anything if you let me... I've got magnets, shot glasses, coins, rocks, pictures, McDonald's toys, figurines, cookbooks, craft stuff, stamps, shells, dvds, clothes, cards that I've received in the mail, magazines.... I am a sentimental first rate hoarding PACK RAT...
Celebrity gossip. I love reading/hearing about celeb scandals, fashion failures, and articles that love to poke fun. why? i don't know... their self appointed superiority is ammusing, their wild rock star lives are entertaining to me (a mere average mortal), more so than their movie projects lately... my favorite blogs on this:
kettyket go fug yourself gallery of the absurdguess that's all for now... I'm sure there are more things that i HATE to LOVE but i can't think of them right now. :)
Everybody Fishes in Florida
Yesterday afternoon/evening we went fishing. (See Carlee's cute fishing outfit in the previous post? ) Well, Tony fished. Carlee and I sat in the shade where it was alot cooler than the 100 degree sunshine reflecting off the rocks they were fishing off of. Here in Northeast Florida, there are tons of places to fish... and TONS of people go fishing. You can pretty much pull over on the side of the road in a hundred different places and fish the intercoastal or saint johns river, or go the beach and fish. A friend of Tony's joined us and pretty much "sponsered" the afternoon. They used his poles and fishing equipment since Tony doesn't have any. Tony and I both haven't been fishing since we were little, but both of us really enjoy it. Some of my most fun memories from elementary school age are of fishing with my family. Anyway, Tony's friend caught a pretty good sized fish not too long after they started. That was the only one for the day though. It was fun being outside with eachother though, and enjoying the sun, water, and natural Florida. It was so neat to watch Carlee gaze up at the palm tree that was next to us. The wind was blowing and it was pretty entertaining to her... for a little bit at least. Then she fell asleep. :) It was a great Sunday afternoon.

Why didn't I think of this before?!?
After eating breakfast, Carlee decided to fall back asleep in my arms. I knew that if I laid her down anywhere that she would wake up. So, I just stayed on the couch, not moving, and held her. Then I realized something. The slope on her little swing chair is about the same as if she were laying on my chest. "Do you think she'd stay in her swing, if I laid her down on her belly?" I asked hubby...
"I dunno, maybe," he answered. So I tried it. I carefully turned her to face down in my arms and gently placed her in the swing. And guess what? she actually stayed asleep for about an hour an a half! (Now she's awake and hungry though) So, hopefully this will work from now on, and she won't catch on that she'd be letting mommy take care of things around the house! :)
Petey the Caterpillar
It's Carlee's first pet... well that's what Daddy says... lol. It's really Daddy's little experiment. After taking out the trash the other day, he came inside with a grin on his face. "Look at this," he told me. So, I looked. It was a stick. Wait, with something on it. I got closer. A caterpillar. I smiled.
"What are you going to do with that?" I asked him.
"Keep it," he answered, "It's Carlee's first pet." lol... So, he grabbed the small fish bowl that the mean orange guppy used to live in (he died about a week ago) (RIP Orange Guppy)... He put the caterpillar, leaves, and some shredded paper in the bowl. I just smiled and didn't say anything. I've tried the same thing before once when I found a caterpillar, but mine just died. So I didn't think this one was going to last either. But lo and behold, it's surviving! and it's started to build it's cocoon! I couldn't believe it! I don't know how many days it takes for it to change into a butterfly, but hopefully we'll get to see it happen. It's neat.
google your favorite teacher
While surfing the net yesterday, I found the site to my old junior highschool back in my good ol' Texas hometown. I clicked on the faculty link just to see who was still working out of curiosity, hoping that the page was up to date. In the list I saw the name of one of my favorite teachers. I clicked on her name and sent her an email in hopes that she would still get it. I was so excited this morning to see a response already in my inbox! She is such a great person and a great teacher. I've always considered her a friend and it was easy to stay in touch when I lived back home because I worked at the local grocery store. And since it seemed like I was ALWAYS there (lol) I would always be working when Mrs.G came in and I would take her groceries out and we'd talk for a few minutes. So I was glad to find out that she is doing good and I'm looking foward to keeping contact with her. It's amazing what you can find on the internet, isn't it?
I've recently decided to start writing again... I mean it this time... hopefully. I love to write. I have ever since I was very young... but for some reason it's hard for me to finish anything. I have a few stories I want to get on paper, but everytime I start I discourage myself and end up quitting that certain project. This blog has got me back into writing somewhat regularly, even though it's more like I'm talking to the reader instead of really writing. But that's okay, it's a few minutes break from "Okaaaay... Mommy's going to change your diaper," or "Carleeeeee, it's time to eeeeeat..." **She's actually taking a RARE nap on the couch so that I can write this** ... never mind, she's starting to wake up. More later hopefully, lol....
schedule smedule
sigh.... the only schedule i'm on is carlee's... i cannot get anything done around the house. if i'm not feeding her, i'm changing her, and if it's not that, then i'm holding her as she falls asleep... but as soon as i lay her down, she wakes up and starts crying... i'm typing this with one hand in fact because she's in my left arm. i barely managed to eat breakfast, and lunch hasn't even happened yet... my mom told me that i was the same way as a baby... hmm... i dont mind, and she's just so darned cute. how could i possibly let her scream her little lungs out? sigh... i cant. :) i just wish i could somehow find a way to get more done around the house. yesterday, i tried waiting til hubby got home, but then i wanted to spend time with him and the baby, so i didn't get too much done.... little by little is the way it's gonna be i suppose...
Departing Flight and Home Made Enchiladas
I took my mom to the airport this morning. She rode in the back with Carlee, like I kind of expected her too... (shoot, I would ride next to Carlee if I wasn't going to see her for a while too. She has that effect on people it seems.) It took a little over thirty minutes going five over the speed limit, I didn't know if we would make it on time. We did. Early even. And she insisted on me dropping her off at the departing flights lane instead of walking in with her. For this I was grateful, even though I would have loved to say longer goodbyes, I knew if I had gone in with her, we would of broke down and bawled as soon as she had to go join her flight area. And then, I would of grabbed her arm and said, "Nevermind, quit your job! Move here." But that thought is so selfish.
Our goodbye lasted only for a minute after she grabbed her suitcase out of the front seat; even it was hesitant in leaving the car. We hugged. I love yous were said. "Take care of that baby..."
"I will," I promised. And in thirty seconds or so, I was back in the car trying to see who was going to let me back out into the driving lanes, and my mom was entering the airport for her departing flight.
The drive home, thankfully, was very quiet as Carlee slept in the backseat unaware of the morning's events. If she had started crying at any point during the drive, I would have started up too... and that wouldn't of been safe now would it? I thought about the past two weeks, and I was sad. Sad that my mom was no longer visiting, she would return to her life, and me to mine.
She asked if she had stayed too long. "Are you kidding?" I asked. "Of course not." She had been so helpful, doing my housework, cooking us dinner, helping with the baby. We might have tried to go get a refund on our little bundle of 'I'm gonna cry just because i know you can't figure out why.' :) but she helped us through the first few weeks, and got to bond with Carlee. And that's what I mostly wanted... I want Carlee to have that same special relationship with her grandma and greatgrandma that I enjoy with mine. That bond seems to run in our family.
So I thought about this on the way home, and then I realized how hungry I was, my thoughts went immediately to the enchiladas that were sitting in the fridge. We had made them last night thanks to my insisting on it... They were soooo good, and I think I finally have how to make them memorized... I guess we'll see next time I try to make them. If not, I'll just ask my mom to help me make them again next time we visit... which hopefully won't be too long from now...
Getting to Know Carlee
Wow. Two weeks have passed since little Carlee was born. It's weird how everything about parenthood is completely new and yet so natural at the same time. Our little girl definitely has a personality of her own. We can already tell she's going to be stubborn and hardheaded, lol... she is already especially when it comes to feeding time. She likes to fuss for a while before finally giving in to eat. She's also seems very inquisitive, but then again I would assume that all babies would be. When she's awake she is always wide eyed and looking around at everything. She's also already holding her head up a lot on her own, and she tries to crawl up Daddy when he's holding her. She's so amazing.
A lot of family got to visit last weekend. My grandparents got to be here, my mom, and Tommy (a family friend) all got to meet Carlee. It was so heartwarming to see everyone doting on our little one, and it was just great to have family around for her to meet so early. My mom is still here, and I'm so thankful, she's been so much help. And I'm so glad that she got to be here to spend so much time with Carlee. Tony's mom got to visit us, but had to go back home a few days before Carlee decided to be born :( But we're hoping to be able to visit home this summer some time so that everyone can meet her.
Some things are so weird for me right now... like the concept of time. I know it's only been two weeks, and when I think about it, those two weeks went by fast. But at the same time it feels like a month could of gone by and I wouldn't even of realized it. Sleep is another thing, getting six or fewer hours of sleep doesn't bother me like it used to. I can wake up out of a dead sleep, take care of Carlee, get her back to sleep, and as soon as I hit the bed I'm passed out once again. I can't even remember what it feels like to lay in bed trying to go to sleep, lol... Another thing, I could never understand it when parents would say, "I don't even have time to brush my teeth, or shower..." I would always think, how long does it take to brush your teeth? lol... those first few days before my mom made it here made me understand those statements. I think it was the second day we were home from the hospital and I didn't even realize that I hadn't brushed my teeth until I was laying in bed to go to sleep, and by then I was too exhausted to care. lol...
This has definitely been a learning experience. But it's so worth it. Persistence pays off I guess... Carlee and I are both getting better about feeding times. I'm glad I didn't give up, and that Tony kept encouraging me. That's one of our major milestones... and it's only been two weeks. Carlee has also officially christened us as new parents, we've been peed on, pooped on, and spit up on... already! lol... what's even funnier is that it didn't even bother us. I never imagined I wouldn't be bothered by those things. Anywho... I can't wait to see what other challenges arise, and hopefully we'll do good at those too.