
Why didn't I think of this before?!?
After eating breakfast, Carlee decided to fall back asleep in my arms. I knew that if I laid her down anywhere that she would wake up. So, I just stayed on the couch, not moving, and held her. Then I realized something. The slope on her little swing chair is about the same as if she were laying on my chest. "Do you think she'd stay in her swing, if I laid her down on her belly?" I asked hubby...
"I dunno, maybe," he answered. So I tried it. I carefully turned her to face down in my arms and gently placed her in the swing. And guess what? she actually stayed asleep for about an hour an a half! (Now she's awake and hungry though) So, hopefully this will work from now on, and she won't catch on that she'd be letting mommy take care of things around the house! :)
How wonderful you found this trick. Things like the swing and a bouncy chair will be true friends to you for the next few months. At least until she gets mobile and requires entertainment. That's a pretty cool swing you have there... ours didn't recline that far, it was much more like a chair.
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