last night was rough... poor thing couldn't sleep with a stuffy nose... kept waking up every ten minutes it feels like to gasp for air. :( tony actually stayed up late to help... we tried the saline drops, tried to con her into blowing her nose... worked a few times, but it still kept getting stuffed again. so everytime she woke up, i would pat her on her back until she fell asleep again. this morning I was sooo tired. Tony took the car so I wouldn't have to drive him to work. (he was supposed to leave out again today, but that won't happen for a few weeks... yay!) anywho... after i got up with carlee, i noticed she was really really hot to the touch. i took her temperature and it read 100.9 degrees. that was really high to me. :( but i knew if i called the clinic they would say, "well, she just got her shots yesterday, that's why." so i gave her some more tylenol, fed her, and put her back to bed... we got up for good around 12:45 (so late!) and i felt for her temperature, and she was FINALLY cool to the touch. Man i was getting worried! geez... anywho... she's in a better mood now... but still not eating as much as she usually does, which is highly unusual! so, i know she's obviously not completely over it. but i'm glad the fever is gone... now to start on housework....
time to relax? don't think so...
we got back home from Texas on saturday... long drive... very... ugh. tony was so great to bring everything upstairs. :) we got to work on putting things up... (the part i hate most!) saturday night was a nightmare, Carlee kept waking up... ate quite a few times, etc. I remember Sundays as THE day to relax when i was little... mine aren't anymore. started laundry as soon as I got up, fed carlee, showered, took care of carlee, worked on the computer, listed some stuff on ebay, meanwhile taking care of carlee... geez are they a lot of WORK!!! lol....
last night was even worse... carlee kept waking up... but suddenly, her nose was stuffed up... she was hungry, but had touble eating... kept crying... :( turns out she got my cold that I was just getting over. so she's sick today. her first time ever... i felt horrible for her. her nose is constantly running, she's been sneezing all day... i gave her some infant tylenol for colds, it seemed to help, but I only gave her half the dose since she's only 20 lbs not 24+.... and I think it already wore off. :( ugh... but I don't want to give her too much either... I don't know... I have a lot I want to write about, but carlee is crying now so it'll have to wait.
Happy Belated Thanksgiving everyone,
And Happy Birthday to the #1 Mom in the world!
And Happy Belated birthday to my Grandma also!!!
the color purple... car misery... and xBox
....purple... yes. that is what color my hair was the day before yesterday... well sorta anyway. ever since junior high i had wanted to dye my hair... in the 8th grade i streaked it blondE, but that was about as brave as i got... then, in highschool my sister got brave enough to do her hair in awesome styles and colors.... but caught hell or it from certain family members... so then i was like, yeah right! forget dying my hair, i don't even want to put up with that! but a few days ago, with encouragement from the hubby, i got brave enough to do it. i picked up a bleach kit and a bottle of a cool shade of purple dye. cool. we get home and hubby helps me bleach it... fun fun, considering boys don't even know the correct way to brush hair let alone bleach it LOL... but we got it all on there, waited the amount of time for dark brown hair and washed it out... hmm... my head was suddenly three ir four different colors.... spots that were still dark brown, some orange, some very very blondE, and some shade in between those... so... we thought about it, and said, well, all different shades of purple will be cool... so we continued with the process and put the dye all over my hair.. waited... washed it out... all of it... none of the dye took to my hair! is my hair purple? i asked... no, tony said, but the tub is. i was sooo frustrated! by this time, my sister had showed up as a surprise, just in time to save the day. so we made another run to sally's and picked up another bleach kit, and another couple of purple dyes, this time a different brand. bleach again... wash... STILL have stubborn dark brown hair... UGH! dyed it all purple anyway... waited... washed... ok... different shades of purple.. hm.. that's fine. looked pretty cool, guess... lol... i went to wash it the next morning, and guess what? more dye ran into the drain... leaving my hair purple in some spots, a weird orange in others, and brown in other spots... What the hell?!? lol... sooooo.... i gave up. me and the hubby ran to walmarts and got two boxes of black dye, which my hair has been black before, so i knew i would like it... and that solved that problem really quick. lol... i was dissapointed though. i was finally brave enought to dye it, and it didn't even want to stay in my hair... :(
Anywho... the car... UGH! we had a flat tire the other night. uhhh thursday night i believe. there was a huge two pronged metal thing in the side of the tire. so we call Hanks tire and muffler after temporarily airing it up. what time do you close? 5... (it was 4:45) will someone please wait? we've got a flat tire, and need to get it fixed. yeah.. hurry up. so, we drove over there, they fixed it but said this: well, we aren't going to guarantee it, because it's on the side wall, and it is in a really bad spot. it could actually come unpatched when you're taking a turn...
greeaaattt... so now today, we went and tried to find a tire to buy and have it put on... well, turns out, nobody makes the size tire that our vue came with! geez!!! we were so mad... well, turns out, Hanks is bringing some in tomorrow and is going to put it on, but still... i couldn't believe it was going to be this hard to find a tire that came on our car when we bought it! that just doesn't make sense to me. we're seriously considering trading it in because here in the US it seems that only Saturn dealerships know what they're doing with saturns, and in Italy it's going to be 1000 times harder to find someone to work on it, much less buying parts for it. GRRR... anyway....
tony's at walmart right now waiting in line. he's been there since 3pm... and the xbox doesn't start selling until midnight! lol... but he's lucky he got in line because this walmart only got 50 in, and he's about number 12, and the line got long pretty fast. lol... as soon as my mom gets home to watch the baby i'm gonna go keep him company. :)
Visiting Home
So we made it into Texas late Saturday night or really early Sunday morning. It was a long drive. We stopped in Pensacola to visit with our Grandparents on Tony's side, and stayed the night there to break up the drive a bit, so that was nice. Carlee was better than I thought she was going to be. Only getting fussy toward the end of the first day, and only a little bit on the second day. She's been eating up all the attention from family! lol... Days are going by really fast. Anyway, just a quick entry to let all our Florida friends that we did make it okay. :) more later.
Clifford the Big Red Dog is on tv. Carlee's watching it from her jumperoo. I wonder if it's bad to let her watch tv already. oh well, it gives me a much needed break. She likes cartoons, and if I'm holding her, she'll watch my soaps with me. lol...
I'm listening to Death Cab for Cutie. I like em. My baby is growing too fast. Last night, my friend Loopy and I ate at Arby's and for the first time, Carlee sat in the highchair. :( I had my purse behind her to prop her up if she needed it, but she didn't even use it.
**well, she's in my lap now... guess she got tired of the jumperoo**
The other day, I was going through her small clothes to decide whether or not to get rid of them... (we aren't planning on having another anytime soon, and I'm a clutterer and I'm trying hard to get over it...) anyway... i pulled out one of her newborn onsies and her newborn scent overwhelmed me. I was suddenly filled with so many emotions, I started crying... Tony laughed at me, but then took it, smelled it, and got quiet. We just sat there and watched her for a little bit...
i don't think i'm going to get rid of them yet.
I'm soooooo excited!!!
Our november leave got approved.... and we're gonna get to go home!!!! Yay!!! I can't wait! I haven't been home in over a year, and my family hasn't seen the baby since she was born! and Tony's family has never met her!!! omg!!! ugh! I can't wait to see everyone's faces when they see her. and I can't wait for Thanksgiving! yummmmmy :D woohoooooo!!!!
Exhausted Hubby
This was yesterday when tony came home from work. poor thing. :) he originally got on carlee's mat to play with her (i think) lol.... then reached to untie his shoe... and paaaassssed out! i was laughing so hard, I went and grabbed the camera took a few pics. then i went and grabbed carlee and said, "Daddy give me back my toy!" finally tony woke up after hearing me and said, "What? oh sorry." he didn't even realize he had passed out until i told him and showed him the pics. LOL... my poor hardworking hubby. :)
bday pics
My First Legal Drink :)

...a little overwhelmed at this HuGe Margarita...

my wonderful hubby and his usual rum and coke

after dinner :)
what's my age again?
welp... yesterday was my birthday. woo hoo i'm now legal in all aspects. yep turned 21. and yet somedays i feel 35 already lol.... so the day i spent with carlee of course waiting for tony to get home from work... when he did, he was so tired because he had duty on sunday. so he passed out on the floor (i'll post a pic later lol) anywho... so he slept until 4 and then i woke him up to get ready to go out. we dropped carlee of at stress' house who volunteered to watch her (thankyou!!!) and then we headed out to go eat. we had wanted bennigans at first, but it was closed, so we ended up at TGIFridays. still good. i had steak. yumm :) and ordered my first legal drink. an O margarita. citrusy flavor, but all you could taste was the tequilla, it was strong, lol... and it wasn't just me that thought so, tony said it was too. even though i drink at home sometimes with tony, i still hardly have a tolerance for alcohol so by the time i had drank only a half inch worth of the margarita i was already feeling the tequilla. haha... but the waitress didn't even card me :) and it made my day that i looked 21. lol.... most people guess i look like 17 :( so anywho... after eating, the employees came out and sang happy birthday, but it wasn't embarrasing because the restaraunt was almost empty anyways... so we finished the dessert, our drinks, and left. i didn't get drunk, only buzzed. what a 21 year old i am haha... we didn't want to leave carlee at stress' house too late so we just went to a couple of stores and looked around enjoying no baby time. then we went and picked carlee up, found out that she was fussy the whole time (i don't know what i'm going to do with her!) lol... then we went home and i started the feeding carlee, getting her to bed routine. i told tony to go to bed because it was getting late and he had to get up early for work. carlee fought sleep for an hour almost... so i didn't get to bed until midnight. and then she woke up around 3:30 or 4 hungry... little booger. :) anywho... i had fun. anytime i can spend with tony i have a good time. i'll add pics later, i don't know where the camera is. :)