Wednesday, November 30, 2005


last night was rough... poor thing couldn't sleep with a stuffy nose... kept waking up every ten minutes it feels like to gasp for air. :( tony actually stayed up late to help... we tried the saline drops, tried to con her into blowing her nose... worked a few times, but it still kept getting stuffed again. so everytime she woke up, i would pat her on her back until she fell asleep again. this morning I was sooo tired. Tony took the car so I wouldn't have to drive him to work. (he was supposed to leave out again today, but that won't happen for a few weeks... yay!) anywho... after i got up with carlee, i noticed she was really really hot to the touch. i took her temperature and it read 100.9 degrees. that was really high to me. :( but i knew if i called the clinic they would say, "well, she just got her shots yesterday, that's why." so i gave her some more tylenol, fed her, and put her back to bed... we got up for good around 12:45 (so late!) and i felt for her temperature, and she was FINALLY cool to the touch. Man i was getting worried! geez... anywho... she's in a better mood now... but still not eating as much as she usually does, which is highly unusual! so, i know she's obviously not completely over it. but i'm glad the fever is gone... now to start on housework....


At 2:06 PM, Blogger LoraLoo said...

Poor baby... and there really isn't a whole lot we can give them to help. What about the Baby Vicks? That or the Vicks vaporizer in her bedroom - we tried those too, I do think they helped somewhat. They make small room size vaporizers, and some waterless ones too) - we were concerned because of a small bedroom she's in and she sleeps with the door closed. I bet her appetite comes back once she can breathe and eat at the same time. :) I hope she feels better very soon!! Take care.

At 5:36 PM, Blogger Larry said...

hang in there thiis all part of the game we call parenthood... temp wise..102 is the major take her in temp.. below that you can treat as long as its short term..asprin and a cool/warm bath..dont want to be to cool.. hang in there and CALL if you need anything..


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