Monday, November 28, 2005

time to relax? don't think so...

we got back home from Texas on saturday... long drive... very... ugh. tony was so great to bring everything upstairs. :) we got to work on putting things up... (the part i hate most!) saturday night was a nightmare, Carlee kept waking up... ate quite a few times, etc. I remember Sundays as THE day to relax when i was little... mine aren't anymore. started laundry as soon as I got up, fed carlee, showered, took care of carlee, worked on the computer, listed some stuff on ebay, meanwhile taking care of carlee... geez are they a lot of WORK!!! lol....

last night was even worse... carlee kept waking up... but suddenly, her nose was stuffed up... she was hungry, but had touble eating... kept crying... :( turns out she got my cold that I was just getting over. so she's sick today. her first time ever... i felt horrible for her. her nose is constantly running, she's been sneezing all day... i gave her some infant tylenol for colds, it seemed to help, but I only gave her half the dose since she's only 20 lbs not 24+.... and I think it already wore off. :( ugh... but I don't want to give her too much either... I don't know... I have a lot I want to write about, but carlee is crying now so it'll have to wait.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving everyone,

And Happy Birthday to the #1 Mom in the world!

And Happy Belated birthday to my Grandma also!!!


At 9:21 AM, Blogger LoraLoo said...

I was devastated the first time my little one had a cold. It's hard on you too, because they're frustrated and don't feel good...that = one cranky baby.

Have you salined her nose? Not the medicated kind, just the regular infant saline. Sometimes that really helps them breathe and clear that gunk out.

Poor Mommy and Carlee, I hope she is feeling better soon!

At 1:41 PM, Blogger *s* said...

hey loraloo-
we did try the saline drops... worked for a few minutes, but she just kept getting stuffed again.
thanks for your well wishes! :)


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