randomness to catch up
Well, it's been a few days since I've written... Fourth of July was fun. We went out and played tennis for a little bit in the morning. Carlee stayed in the shade while we hit the ball back and forth a few times. I haven't played in like two years, and Tony's never played tennis, only raquetball... but he's pretty good at serving. I was surprised. He should of played in highschool. We only got to play for a little bit anyway because Carlee started to get fussy, and it was getting hot in the sun, so we decided to pack up and go. Later we decided to ask our friend stress if we could come over. We took hotdogs and hamburgers to grill. So we ate and hung out with him and his boys all evening. Then Tony got to pop his fireworks with the boys, so they all had fun. It was nice. I was worried we wouldn't do anything since we don't have family here, but I'm glad we got to do something with our "adopted" family. :)Let's see what else?... I somehow helped start a fight on the forum I read... another cacher and I tried to put together a Capture the Flag game, just for fun. Or... it was supposed to be fun anyway... Some people got mad because we wanted to limit the play area to certain counties here in NE florida... you can only play with so big of an area on capture the flag, otherwise no one would want to drive that far, and the game wouldn't go anywhere.... So, the thread went chaotic and whatever.... now most people are deciding to not play because of all the controversy. It's so dumb. It was just supposed to be an easy fun game but people just got to blow things out of proportion... ugh. so now we probably will end up canceling the game. So that sucks. I was looking foward to being involved in putting something together, and playing the game, and getting back into caching, and getting out of the apartment... BUT whatever. I think I'll just stick to caching and probably won't try to put anything else together if people are going to ruin it like that. Sorry... just venting.
****Take a deeeeep breath**** Look at sleeping Carlee**** She's such an angel**** ok I'm better.
Hurricane season is making its presence known... already a hurricane about to hit... not here though, thank goodness. But we still need to start stocking up on food and water. You should see how long people wait to get ready for a hurrican about to hit... Grocery stores are packed like the night before it's supposed to make landfall... people scrambling to get canned goods, water, generators... geez...
Carlee said WOoOoO earlier. lol.... it was loud. That made my day.
Like the new page, you figured it out. :) Glad your 4th was good! It's great you're finding time to be active, I had a real hard time getting back to that.
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