Monday, March 27, 2006

last post... seriously

ran down to the office... our lease is good until the last day of may... thank goodness.... so now i'm not as stressed... lol...

now for real... i already started my new blog. you can see it under my profile... k. later.

last post....

well, carlee is napping.... i just ate lunch.... and i'm drinking lemon flavored iced tea... yumm... if only i had a sunny porch in front of my own yard to sit at and drink it.... anywho.....

i think this is going to be my last post on this blog... not that i'm not going to blog anymore, because i am... i'm going to start a new blog. i live my life in phases i suppose. even my calendar is erased monthly... at the end of the month, i look at everything we've accomplished, erase it, and start new with the next month, write out everything planned out so far, and when bills are due, etc....

this sunny florida phase of my life is coming to an end.... actually i have to go down to the office and see when our lease is up.... almost had a panic attack last night wondering if it was up at the end of april or may.... because if it's up at the end of april, we need to schedule our pack out ASAP and figure out where we're going to live for most of the month of may... but i'll go down and do that when carlee wakes up....

hubby is underway again.... this week will be lonely... or maybe not.... my friend A called today, she and her hubby just had a baby girl about a month ago. :) so hopefully we'll hang out this week. ANYWAY.....

back on topic... i will be changing my display name so that my next blog is a little more annonymous except for family and friends who will know it's me... i always feel a little hesitant to write about our navy life... dates, things that happen, etc... so... maybe i'll share a little more... okay... so i'm off to start a new blog... here's to the next chapter of my life...

Thursday, March 16, 2006


i woke up this morning feeling really weak... i thought it was going away.... grrrr i can't wait for this cold to be gone... and i hope carlee doesn't catch it. :(

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

2 months and counting....

time.... i feel like we're running out of it.... 2 months left here in Florida. wow. and there's still too much stuff to do... and i'm stressing out... not tony though... no, not tony, he never stresses out. but i do... i was able to turn in my passport application today finally, after they get back, we then have to return with a bunch of other stuff to send off for our visas.... yay... i'm trying to figure out when we'll throw carlee's first bday party here, when we're going to be getting our "pack out", when we'll head down to texas (where we will throw her another 1st bday party), when we'll have to make our way to Italy.... agh!!! and tony's underway... so there's no communication, except for my email after email to him which he can't reply to.... but that i still feel the need to write them lol....

other thoughts... i'm getting over my cold, finally... i forgot, that was another thing tony gave me when i got home, lol.... i cleaned the dishwasher today... i had always thought the dishwasher would stay clean since there was constantly soap in there, but then i saw that commercial for the jet dry dishwasher cleaner saying that it defeats the purpose to clean dishes with a dirty dishwasher... so i went and looked, and i did notice some gross stuff, so i bought it and used it and am quite happy with the results.

carlee had a taste of freedom while in texas when my mom bought her a walker, and now there's no going back.... lol... i bought her the same one for here, but since we have carpet, she can't go anywhere, and now she will not go in it or her jumperoo which she used to love sooo much. now, she's all over the place, crawling, cruising, getting into everything. keeping me on my toes.

my last thought for this entry: it's amazing how much different my life is since i first started this blog. i used to have alot of time in the beginning... and one of my original intents of starting this blog was to get better at my writing... BUT yeah, the complete opposite happened. i have no time to hardly write much more than "hey fam & friends, this is what i did today" about once a week. lol... and it's always unedited, badly written, but whatever. i just thought that was funny.

this is actually a rare somewhat long entry, but now... carlee's trying to eat cardboard, so yeah.........

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

he's a keeper

i can't believe i forgot to blog about what i had intended on blogging as soon as i got back online!

when my grandma and i arrived at the apartment monday (6th) afternoon after the loooong drive from texas what did i find when i walked in the door? a super clean house, new area rugs, home made cookies, balloons, and ROSES!!! he couldn't be there to welcome me home since he had duty that day, but it was such a nice surprise! he's so wonderful...

Monday, March 13, 2006

7th Heaven rerun...

is what I'm watching... but I'm really waiting for that show New Adventures of Old Christine... I never liked her on Seinfield, never really liked that show perioud, but this show looks hilarious. Carlee is already asleep, amazingly since about a half hour ago... which would of been nice if Tony was here... but he's underway :( Tomorrow, Carlee has a DR appointment, and I have to go by PSD on Tony's orders to turn in my passport paperwork... I'm hoping it goes through in time so that Carlee and I can leave with him, if it doesn't we'll be moving over there two weeks plus after him...

show started. it's funny so far... i was going to write more tonight... but eh... w/e. i think i'll zone out and watch tv... chat on aim... miss the hubby.... yell at the cats... and go to bed. :)