Apartments Suck
This apartment complex has been getting on our nerves lately... Well, the people anyway... a few really inconsiderate people... The other night when Tony had duty, Carlee woke up about 1:30am starving, she was acting like it anyway. lol.. so I fed her, changed her diaper and worked on getting her back to sleep. Around 1:45, she was starting to doze off in my arms, so I laid her in the bassinet, and what happens? The stupid guy neighbor drives his truck into the parking lot with his stereo turned up soooo loud playing some kind of rap music (which is unusual to begin with because he's usually blasting country music). He stops his truck right in front of the stairway, and I guess runs up to our floor. I was watching this from our bedroom window which is all the way to the back of the apartment (and his music was shaking the walls even there.) Anyway, I watch as he runs back to his truck carrying two hunting rifles and throws them in the back... hmmm... I know he couldn't of been hunting at 2am on a weekday... and then he sped out of the apartment without his headlights off... geez.. i don't even want to know...And today, another different guy was playing his loud music in the parking lot and Carlee wouldn't take her nap, well, she would fall asleep and then wake up I guess from the noise, I don't know...
And people drive so fast through the parking lot, even in front of the playground area, it's ridiculous! I guess I'm just more irritated by people's stupidity and inconsiderate behavior now that I'm a mom...
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