my first aceo painting
I painted my first aceo yesterday. Nobody will probably think it's art, but it's okay because it has special meaning for me. It's very symbolic. The story behind it is this:I was 5 or 6 and in Pre-K (and yes I really do remember this)... The teachers decided to test our creativity levels and brought out brown paint and paper. They said, "We're going to play some classical music and we want you to paint whatever comes to mind, paint whatever the music makes you think of." So while all the little kids were painting flowers, or ballerinas, and whatnot... I decided I wasn't going to. I was going to paint something completely different... so what did I do? I finger painted my entire sheet brown, the whole thing.... and I got in trouble for it. "That wasn't the assignment Sheena," they scolded me. "You ruined your project."
Before I got in trouble, I thought it was so cool. Mine was the only different one, mine stood out... But then they made me feel terrible about not doing what everyone else was doing... and I honestly believe that was the day my "nonconformist" characteristics were buried along with my confidence in my way of thinking and creativity...
So, yesterday I cut out an aceo sized card and allowed myself to recreate that 5 year old's painting with no criticism, no scolding.... just a brown painting. It's my step towards not limiting myself by overcriticizing my creativity... so here it is. My brown painting.

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