Last Class

so, we had to make seven roses, and for some reason they were harder to make this week than last. my icing was being a pain. but i got them done. then we learned and practiced stems for a boquet of roses, and we learned three different leaves. then we learned a sweet pea flower. it's pretty if you get it right, alot of mine kept ending up looking like three straight lines next to eachother. lol...
so we put six of the roses in a cluster, added stems and leaves, then used a shell and sweet pea border for the bottom of the cake, and a smaller shell border for the top of the cake. we also learned a bow, but we had the choice of using it on our cake or not, and i didn't think i could do it good enough to make it look nice. anyway, there's the pic, but you can't see the bottom border, but i really liked it.
They are beautiful.
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