Countdown begins
already! geez. we realized today that we have seven months before we move. So, today I started going through my closet, organizing, and getting rid of stuff we don't need. I have a box for donations, and a box of stuff I think I can get a little money out of on ebay. So, the closet is done, except for the clothes... I didn't even want to start going through those today. haha... anywho. this weekend has been busy busy since tony finally got home. i was instantly in a better mood as soon as I picked him up on Thursday. **sigh of relief** Anywho... just a quick update to everyone...
What a big move - Italy. At least Tony will be home more to share in the daily family activities (it's hard raising a little one, even harder when you know you're on your own for great lengths of time!). I couldn't even begin to imagine the significance of a move overseas! Having been a military kid myself, I know what it's like to move a lot, but the farthest we went was Hawaii, and I was only 2. :)
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